Guangzhou Choice Cosmetics Factory has focused on top quality cosmetics products for over 10 years in China. We started as a small operation,Website:, but now have become one of the leading suppliers in the cosmetics industry in China.
In 2007, Guangzhou Choice was founded, sells self-owned brand in domestic China.
In 2010, After 3 years of growing up, we built our own factory in Guangzhou, and began the business of OEM for domestic cosmetics brands.
In 2011, Won the honor of “China Recognized Brand Name Products”, and started the business of OEM service for overseas cosmetics brands through local trading company.
In 2012, Local investment expansion on new plant in Baiyun District and put into use.
In 2013, The overseas sales department was set up formally, and Choice attended Shanghai Beauty Exhibition for the first time.
During 2014-2016, The overseas sales department of Choice continues growing up, and attended Hongkong Beauty Exhibition for times.
In 2017, We are here, so excited to meeting meet you now or in the future.